Monday, January 10, 2011

Sixteen, Seventeen and Eighteen

Ok, so I'm actually coming in under the 21/22 page length for this story. Realistically, I planned to end on the very next page. I think I'm going to write it as a 20 page story, drawing out the final moment a bit more than I originally intended, then go back through the entire story and see where something may be fleshed out a bit more. As I initially intended, this piece has been a good starting off point and I've learned a lot about how to plan ahead and pace things. I still don't know enough, mind you, but I'm learning little by little as I go and hopefully by the end of this story, the end of the third issue, I'll have a passable grasp on the aforementioned concepts.

Also, sory for the delay. School sucks.

So, without further ado, the next 3 pages:

PAGE SIXTEEN (five panels)

Panel 1. A close up of the boxes, their label visible. The label reads as follows:



Panel 2. Here we see the boys each grabbing a box, cutting and ripping into them.

Panel 3. GUY with a box open in front of him, filled with bound bills of all denominations.

So this is what they do with old bills? Send them off to the Treasury be destroyed?

Panel 4. Close-up of CAMPBELL, smiling.

Not this time!

Panel 5. A medium-wide shot, showing the boys finishing up, bags filled with money, empty boxes strewn about.

Three minutes. MOVE!

PAGE SEVENTEEN: (three panels)

Panel 1. Back in the kitchen with GUY.

GUY: (to reader)
At this point, I thought we were home free. We were ahead of schedule and sirens were barely audible at.

Panel 2. GUY in the kitchen.

GUY: (to reader)
We had more than enough time to make a clear break and any forensic evidence we might’ve left behind would be taken care of by the fire. Easy as pie, right?

Panel 3. GUY, head down, hung in disbelief, speaking sarcastically.

GUY: (to reader)

PAGE EIGHTEEN: (four panels)

Panel 1. A medium shot of the boys exiting the office, running back out to the main office floor. We’re seeing here the makings of the fire spreading from the first floor up to the second. The boys are running off panel in the opposite direction from which they came in.


Panel 2. The boys fervently running through a door leading to another stairway. Above the door we see an illuminated EXIT sign. To the left of the door we see a sign that reads EMPLOYEE PARKING.


Panel 3. The boys rounding a short flight of stairs. CAMPBELL is already celebrating, arms raised in the air, still holding his bags of loot.


Panel 4. The boys are at the final exit door now leading outside. CAMPBELL has partially opened the door, sticking his head out, making sure all is clear.

We’re about 20 seconds early, Darby oughta be rounding the north corner any second. Stay frosty, even after we’re in the car. Clear?

Thanks for reading and stay tuned,
-Aaron J.

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