So I've been fairly busy and haven't had a chance to get fully back into the grind working on pages in the last few days. I'm struggling a bit getting the flow and action right on the next sequence, which is the job Bronson set up for the boys. I've written the first three pages of it but it's still not quite right. I'm trying to tweak it before I post it (although I'm sure even after that I'll still go back and rewrite most of it, anyway).
That being said, the job takes place at the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco. I'ts important to know exactly what the building looks like and how it's laid out to get an idea of the flow of action. For readers reading the finished comic, they'll have those pictures in front of them to help with the translation, but for you readers who are going strictly from the script, some photo reference may help. So here's a photo of what the bank looks like:
Other than that, I'll say I hope to find time to finish up these pages and hopefully the first full issue by the turn of the new year, so keep checking back for updates.
Thanks for reading and stay tuned,
Aaron J.
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