Monday, November 29, 2010

The purpose of this blog...


Welcome to my new and first real blog. This blog is intended to serve a few purposes: primarily, this is a way to motivate me to get writing. I've had a number of ideas for comic stories for years and have never really tried actually putting them together in comic script format. So, using this blog, I intend to do a few experiments and post some work, from initial concept, to outlining, to final scripts.

Secondly, this is an outlet to get my work out there, available for established professionals and other aspiring creators to see. Artists are free to use scripts to work on their own sequential pages (I'd appreciate some credit and I'd love to see the completed work) and I'd love dialogue with other writers, as well; the only way anyone can get any better is through their own output and others' input, so I'm happy to hear some feedback.

For anyone wondering about the title, Striving for Moore, it's a reference to the unparalleled genius of Alan Moore. I was reading something recently about J. Michael Straczynski's decision to leave monthly books for the next few years and when speaking of the quality of his own work, he referenced a scale from 1-10, 1 being terrible writing and 10 being Alan Moore. I thought that was pretty accurate as far as the standards of comic writing go, so, like the title implies, this is a blog chronicling my attempts to move as close as possible to that illustrious level of writing for comics occupied by Alan Moore. I know I'm nowhere close and likely will never get there, but I'm going to try to get as close as I can.

Stay tuned,
-Aaron J.